Saturday, January 28, 2012

NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Born Of Osiris - "Follow The Signs"

Posted two days ago by their label Sumerian Records, comes another Born of Osiris music video! The song for this video, Follow the Signs, is off their latest album "The Discovery" which is by far one of my favorite albums of 2011.

What I like about this video is something you don't see very often in this genre, creativity. When was the last time you saw a ton of CG effects built from the ground up, to bring life to the subject matter of the song? Actually, the only music video I remember off the top of my head is "Sleepwalker" by Parkway Drive. 

Anyways, this video takes the viewer on a crazy space-ritual type event that summons some entities down to Earth, only to destroy the cultists that summoned it. While the green screen shots of the band aren't that impressive, it still does add some better-ness to the video (I'm so sick of music videos of bands in warehouses or fields).

If you look at the lineup in the video, and you're not aware of the band changes, you might be saddened.  Born of Osiris has decided to part ways with Jason Richardson. Jason, from what I have seen, was the better of the two guitarists in the band (Lee Mckinney is still badass). I guess it was no hard feelings between Jason and the band, and shortly after he left BOO, he joined Chelsea Grin. BOO said on their Facebook that there was no hard feelings and they will become more creative, energized, and focused as a band as a result.

If you like this song, defiantly pick up "The Discovery," you will not be disappointed. This album is made up of some tech metal, awesome ambient synth, heavy breakdowns, and shear brilliance. 

BUY THIS ALBUM: AMAZON (you can even gift wrap that shit!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TUNE REVIEW: Float Face Down - 'Exitium Verum'

Before I say anything about the song, look at the bands name. Does this name give you chills of awesomeness or what. Still easily one of my favorites to date.

Anyways, on to the song. It's been awhile since I heard one of their tracks and to be honest I don't even remember what the song(s) were called! But when I flicked on this tune, I was ashamed I haven't listened to these guys more often. 

This track is, how shall I put this, rad as hell. The beginning starts off with that fast riff then proceeds into a slow breakdown that immediately got my head nodding. Once the vocals came into play, they instantly reminded me of the lead singer of "The Bridal Procession" in their old EP 'Welcome to the Procession.' If you have no idea what I'm talking about, HERE is the link.

At 2:24 what more is there to say, it's thee breakdown of the song. That part where you can crowd kill your friends or windmill out the window of you car (haha). Then what happens after that moment? An awesome conclusion to the song that almost makes me imagine a ending to an epic movie. Dat guitar, yummy. 

Overall this song is flippin cool. Keep on the look out for Float Face Down's new album "Exitium Verum" due out sometime Spring 2012. 

Just look at these dudes, heavy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ALBUM REVIEW: Attack Attack - "This Means War"

If you've been living under a rock, I think you'd like to know that Attack Attack! has a new album and it's pretty awesome.

If this is the first song you're hearing from their AA!'s new album, then this is basically the tone of the album. What sets "This Means War" apart from every other album of theirs, is the sound. 

This time around AA!, accompanied by the fairly new positioned lead singer Caleb Shomo, has a more distinguished tone to their album. Caleb as AA!'s front man, ever since the release of their re-release of their album 'Attack Attack!', has brought a more edgy-hardcore feel to the band. 

Yes, that's right, more hardcore/heavy riffs and breakdowns to satisfy your desires. With this element of heaviness added to the band, I'd say they broke away from the little-girl-hottopic-scene sound of their first album, and finally made a SOLID sound for themselves. 

This Means War is an excellent release by AA! in the fact that it stays true to the clean + demonic vox of their genre, but also gives the listener a taste of the new AA!. Each track stands apart from the catchyness of the chorus, to the heavy-as-hell breakdowns, to the accompanied syth that has followed AA! since the start. 

Oh and did I mention that they recorded this whole album by themselves with the help of Caleb's studio? Awesome, right!

Even if you aren't into clean vox, still give this one a try!

Attack Attack - This Means War - 8/10

BUY THIS ALBUM: AMAZON (you can even gift wrap that shit!)

Welcome to ZxHxC! 

This is a new blog that will bring you awesome new music in the metal/hardcore/metalcore/deathcore/andalltheothercoresyoucanthinkof that appeals to me! My most common type of post will be youtube clips so you can here the songs directly and we can chat about them!

This blog is going to receive a major face lift in the next few days, so stay tuned!
